being childish

Childish Books (Cb) seeks to collect, create, and celebrate, artist books and zine projects which could be enjoyed by a 'child audience', however defined.

by/for/with Kids

We love projects that are informed by children and/or childhood culture, made collaboratively with kids, or create open dialogue with young humans from a place of value and respect. Read more about our publishing guidelines here.

What are we up to?

Stay up to date with our silly antics by following us on instagram @childish.books, where we post about upcoming fairs, publications, and community events.



Childish Books (Cb) seeks to collect, celebrate, and create artist books and zine projects which could be enjoyed by a 'child audience', however defined. We care about making zine culture more available to children, and making the art and ideas of children more available in zine culture. Through interviews, reviews, publishing, and gatherings, we hope to generate a deeply playful readership and community. Follow us on social media at @childish.books.


CB is a small project with small ambitions! We are happy staying little and aren't necessarily hoping to scale or "grow up". The scope and pace of our publishing/ tabling/ organizing/ reviewing is determined by the capacities and desires of our collaborators and ourselves. If the process isn't able to be playful, messy, fun, and easeful- we likely won't be doing it. 


Cb is operates out of a scrappy home studio in Pawtucket, Rhode Island (abolish all borders).


Childish Books was founded in 2019 by Hanson Coleman (they/them) an arts administrator, care worker, and book maker. They got their start in independent publishing as a work exchange at Endless Editions, where they volunteered for four years and co-organized the Brooklyn Art Book Fair from 2018-2021.


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